Sunday, 26 April 2009

Coming back to life

Ive come out of the house to put something on the skip when I notice 1 dead guinea-pig lying on its back. Its very like one i used to have. The skip is full of rubbish and sitting right infront of the village hall. I don't think it will be very pleasant for children playing here, they may see this little creature exposed, could be a bit upsetting. So I'm going to pick it up and move it into a bin so that its covered. But just as I get close up I notice theres another one here too, and as I reach over to pick it up I see the body that appeared lifeless is now breathing!
I cant believe that this little creature thats been lying here for at least 6 months is still alive! I see its fur is wet, and there's lice moving around in its coat but as soon as I pick it up and hold it close to me, (imaginging as I do so that I could wash it and put it somewhere warm and dry and look after it well) it comes miraculously to life looking rather healthy! My focus now is completely on finding a large container/box to house it in.
Where I'm living seems to be this large old house that I'm just discovering new parts of. I'm in a large hall that is like an old primary school hall with wooden floors and a small stage. I get exited at this new space opening up to me that I could take Qi gong classes and workshops in. Its like Ive just discovered a whole new aspect to the place where I live that I want now to share with the people I work with.
A friend arrives (Muriel) and is as exited about this new discovery as I am. Theres a whole collection of old chests of drawers, all different styles and qualities (some made from v nice dark wood that Alan has left out in the rain!) But my main concern at the moment is finding a drawer deep and wide enough to comfortably house the 2 little guinea pigs. Its quite a nice feeling to have these 2 little creatures back again.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Seat of Consciousness

Ive parked the moped int town but can't put enough parking time on it - I'm thinking of riding back into town to sort it out. As i come out of 3 tiverton (childhhod home) to get on my moped I realise that kids have stolen the bike seat and I'm unable to ride it! a I look up the street I see two young lads about 10/12yrs old. Approaching them I see a large holdall lying on the groun. I'm so convinced they took it that I don't ask any questions, I just put my hand in the bag and sure enough there is my seat. I'm not angry with them -and they dont argue or put up any fight- I just ask 'Why did you do that?' 'Why do you steal?'
Theyre bored one of them says, not much to do. Engaging them both in conversation the older guy talks of a friend older than him that he used to really respect and look up to - this blond, blue-eyed good looking guy. He was honest and had all good qualities.
So I make a suggestion, 'Why don't you become this guy for your little friend here -then he can really look up to you? Although I am aware the younger fella probably does already idolise his older friend, I'm trying to illustrate both responsibility and good leadership by becoming the qualities he so admired in this other guy. I know its a long shot but have to say it anyway and leave- pleased at least that I have my seat and can get back into town.
Getting on my bike, I have floppy doll to carry here too, riding the bike seems easy like this but I have forgotten something - and when I go back to get it - I realsie I now have this old rickety wardrobe attached to the back of the moped. Its badly fitted together, doors illfitting, drawers falling out (like an MFI piece!!) and I realise whaterver I put in there is foing to fall out the back as i ride. Not only that it is so cumbersome its going to knock me off balance. so Iget off the moped to sort through this wardrobe to see what I can remove.
This feels like an endless task, the whole wardrobe is full of my neice's old quilts, blankets, shoes, bags n stuff the only thing I spen afew moments gazing at is some samples of beautiful material much like those in the crystal healing dream. All the other stuff gets flung onto my sister, (her mothers) bed. I'm wonering if what I'm doing is worth it because when I'm finished I still have this huge wardrobe (albeit now empty) still on the back of my moped. Why didn't I just get on the moped with the doll in a rucsac in the first place?
I want to remove the wardrobe but its attached with screws quite securely and dismantling will be a long process and I'm feeling a bit impatient. If I ride it like it is it will be an awkward a nd wobbly ride!

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

A Brush with Darkness

Ive run out the front of South Lodge in the middle of the night, there's a flashy sports car parked at the entrance gates. I'm wondering who's parked here at this time of night. I may bump it and it clicks or a light comes on, ( a bit like activiating either an alarm or locking system). I begin to walk down the road from my house towards the village hall and I realise there's somebody approaching but all I feel is a dark shadow brush past me. I know its a man and I think the car belongs to him. Fear begins to rise as I hear him turn around and I know he's coming after me.
Somehow I'm now inside my house, my husband is here. Its the dead of night and I feel the man is still out there, angry, waiting. I'm telling Alan about it and I feel really scared as he goes to check if he's still there. I'm hoping he's just going to look out through the letter box -I'm horrified as he opens the door right up. What's he going to do if this 'threatening' man just bursts past him?
And sure enough someone just pushes past him into the house -and relief dawns as i see its not a scarey man but one of my brothers, Wayne. I remember he told me a while ago he was coming late in the evening. After him my other two brothers arrive and even my father following up the rear, looking a little bemused. You too? I say, and he shrugs his shoulders...realising he had no choice really, having Alzheimers they couldn't leave him at home alone. It was a long journey is all he says, he'd have ralther stayed at home. They're all hungry but Wayne has brought food for himself.
I feel a little unprepared for the whole of the male contingency of my family to arrive. I'm trying to accomodate them with food etc but just a bit taken aback by it all. I think David, Wayne and Michael say theyre not staying, just resting here a moment for a cup of tea then going back.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Private Pool

I'm in a private school swimming pool. The pool is being used. I think Grant may be here. As I get in I'm enjoying feeling strong as I swim up and down. Each time I do a length I feel I get stronger, and each time it feels like I reach the opposite side very quicly. I feel powerful and strong when I'm swimming.
Getting out of the pool I'm now in the changing room speaking to some of the girls who are being asked to stay and finish their homework, late into the evening. I realise this is a 24hr school , it is very good , has great facilities but really there is no such thing as 'time off' here. The children dont seem to mind too much. There's a good buzz about the place.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Shiatsu Hanger

I'm practicing Shiatsu in this large 'hangar' or warehouse. the girl I'm working on seems to be not too interested, she keeps getting up to do something else. I make a joke saying 'hey, you're not doing much for my self confidence here, my shiatsu can't be up to much if you can actually get up in the middle of it!'
I'm now under covers next to the wall on the left - lying next to someone whom I think may be a woman, but i'm not sure. Because after the shiatsu has finsihed were now stroking one another, it feels a little like a lover at times. Were trying to have a close, intimate moment but in this very busy room its not posiible, or someone asks what were doing and I feel too self conscious to continue (it would be frowned upon).
Its the end of the day and were all going home, gathering up our stuff. I'm going to head off for the bus home but realising ive left my cashbox and any money I need for bus fares in the Shiatsu hangar. I need to go back and get it.
Once I'm in the first section of the hangar, I realise I'm suddenly surrounded by some guys on motorbikes whose intention is to break in and cause mishchief. I feel quite insecure. I have a small indian boy with me- feel I need to look after him- but they're more interested in women. I'm now stuck because if I go in to the hangar to get my bus fare they'll know where I keep my cash box and take all my Shiatsu money. But if I don't I wont be able to get home. I'm conflicted as to the best course of action.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Gypsy Jean

I'm in my chidhood home, 3 tiverton, in the living room looking out up to the main road that runs parallel to our street. I think I'm with my husband he sits to my right. I notice my friend Jean travelling along the road, she's dressed like a gypsy sitting on a horse- drawn cart. I feel like i need to contact her somehow...the first time she passes she's just looking straight ahead, she passes again moments later and this time she looks down to our house as if she's thinking of me.
Again there's a feeling of I need to contact her but I cant as she has no mobile phone connection. But there's no sense of urgency.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

I'm in a large room doing some form of healing exercises. I think my Shiatsu teacher Laura has instiigated them, she's here in the background 'observing'. My partner is standing over the other side of the room while I lay out all my many small crystals around my body. I'mgrouping them into similar stones..rose quarts, agates, hematites etc. Theyre quite small but I'm making a wee semi-circle around myself before I lie down. Our partners are meant to stand next to us doing hands off healing but mine is way across the other side of the room because she's picking up my energy very strongly. As I lie down I begint o feel waves of energy affecting my body - especially through my head and face.
I think its the combination of the crystal and healing energy work that is so powerful. As we finish I'm gathering up my crystals and noticing one familiar friend in a corner by the window. She has a large box full of hand made cloth bags for holding crystals in gorgeious material. I ask did she make these? Yes she says and the particular material I'm attracted to she says came from a pair of wide legged trousers which she'd bought in 'Sassoon'. this shop is familiar to me although she says she thinks they only retail in London..I say no there was one in Newcastle where I come from. It seems she makes these sets and sells them online.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Dream Healer

Ive come to my teacher/Healer's place. As she walks through from her room I can see that she's really not well. Hert clothes are muted, soft natural shades -but she's come through to help someone, to speak to them. I'm admiring the fact that even though she's struggling with illnes, her selflessness means she's out of bed and still trying to help others.
She'd walked past me (hadn't seen me) but as she turns to come back. she catches sight of me and 'lights up' abit. I go to embrace her and as I do she collapses a little into my arms ...I ask her, 'Is it the nausea?' She's weeping saying, yes there's constant nausea. Standing together embracing I'm encouraged that she doesnt let me go - she needs this embrace , (as much if not more than I do). I'm aware there's a large movement like a burst of qi(energy) from our abdomens touching...transferring from one to the other. I'm aware this embrace is healing for both of us.
I suggest ginger tea, made from fresh ginger...she's looking to me to help her by making it. One of her young students, a girl of 12/13 comes in and places a small chunk of fresh beetroot on the back of her armchair, on a cloth and then leaves it there because Sonia isnt eating anything just now. the student then leaves the room.