Sunday 19 April 2009

Shiatsu Hanger

I'm practicing Shiatsu in this large 'hangar' or warehouse. the girl I'm working on seems to be not too interested, she keeps getting up to do something else. I make a joke saying 'hey, you're not doing much for my self confidence here, my shiatsu can't be up to much if you can actually get up in the middle of it!'
I'm now under covers next to the wall on the left - lying next to someone whom I think may be a woman, but i'm not sure. Because after the shiatsu has finsihed were now stroking one another, it feels a little like a lover at times. Were trying to have a close, intimate moment but in this very busy room its not posiible, or someone asks what were doing and I feel too self conscious to continue (it would be frowned upon).
Its the end of the day and were all going home, gathering up our stuff. I'm going to head off for the bus home but realising ive left my cashbox and any money I need for bus fares in the Shiatsu hangar. I need to go back and get it.
Once I'm in the first section of the hangar, I realise I'm suddenly surrounded by some guys on motorbikes whose intention is to break in and cause mishchief. I feel quite insecure. I have a small indian boy with me- feel I need to look after him- but they're more interested in women. I'm now stuck because if I go in to the hangar to get my bus fare they'll know where I keep my cash box and take all my Shiatsu money. But if I don't I wont be able to get home. I'm conflicted as to the best course of action.

1 comment:

  1. Feeling vulnerable about something for sure. Perhaps its about keeping a secret from part of yourself (bikers).
    Also protecting a wee boy within (who might actually be able to help, ie nipping in to get the cash whilst you keep the leather clad lads interested)
